About us
RnR Ingeniería arises from the concern of two engineering brothers who, after working in the most important installation and maintenance companies on the island for many years, decide to apply their extensive work experience to carry out innovative installation projects based on current requirements of energy efficiency.

Catalina Riutort
Tecnical Industrial Engineer
Finish the degree in Technical Industrial Engineering, specializing in Electronic Engineering at the Universitat de les Illes Balears.
2000Melia Hotels International
Responsable de estandarización de Servicios y Materiales
Technician of Studies & Quotations Department
Humiclima Technician of Studies & Quotations Department
2015University Expert in Project Management Degree certificate issued by Universitat de les Illes Balears
2017Urbia Services Manager in the Technical Office & Projects Department
Rafael Riutort
Industrial Engineer
Graduated in Industrial Engineering from the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona.
Project Departament
Sampol Head of Studies & Quotations Department
2001University Expert in Business/Managerial Economics Degree certificate issued by Universitat de les Illes Balears
2012Red Asistencial Juaneda Head of Maintenance and Works Department
2013Urbia Services Head of the Technical Office & Projects Department
2016In addition to our own experience, our careers have given us the opportunity to form a multidisciplinary team together with great professionals in the sector, who currently continue to accompany us in carrying out our projects.